2023-04-27 Trapped on a Snail Market Loss MTM 2600

Zerodha Issue Incident ❌

  • Zerodha had issue today.
  • I was able to place order but cannot cancel order.
  • People were complaining on twitter.
  • I recorded the video on phone, if the problem escalated I could produce evidence for reimbursement.
  • Finaly, withing a few minutes all orders were cancelled siting “lapsed by mid day reconciliation sinker” error in zerodha.
  • Thankfully Zerodha started working.

Markets have been moving in snail🐌 speed

@12:15 pm

Trapped me perfectly

  • At one point off time I was up ₹ 1500 in the morning.
  • Closing with ₹ 1500 Loss.
  • Lost approx ₹3000/- due to negligence.

Todays Position

Lesson : Don’t keep positions on Monthly Expiry. Exit ASAP & Take position for next Expiry.


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