2023-05-05 Another Learning Day Gambling Loss -₹2K MTM Profit +₹700

Intraday straddle & Intraday buy went wrong on Big Money games

  • Today I tried straddle again like yesterdays strangle.
  • Went wrong horribly.
  • Position sizing saved big loss
  • Lost around -1K.
  • After 3 O clock expected horrible upmove like yesterday.
  • Took position intraday pe, thankfully one strike down.
  • A massive downmove killed position.
  • Averaged and got ample opportunity to reduce or close position in profit.
  • But I gambled & lost another -1K.
  • Loss is small but the mental trauma is hard.
Lesson : Never gamble to recover loss. Sometime it had given big retuns but the right way is better. Slow & study positional is the right way to go.

Current Position

Days History

Positional Strategy Size increased

  • Also took positional positions.

  • Expecting a small upmove on Monday.
😉 I should pinch myself not to do intraday gambles like this.


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